Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dragon Fruits (DF) In Melaka (Still Haze in Malaysia)

I have brought one of my visitors to see and have a look at DF planting in Malaysia.

Mr. Vishal and  me visit one of DF farms in Melaka
DF grown for more than five years without much diseases.

DF sorting machine which sort for six weights

Eventhough, Malaysia was badly hit by haze from Indonesia, the DF plants seems to survive. It is quite difficult to measure how haze  caused  effects on plants. However, physiologically plants cannot trap lights for energy to be converted and manufacture carbohydrates. Although DF are Crassulacean Acid metabolism (CAM),   there is  a carbon fixation pathway that evolved.  In a plant using full CAM, the stomata in the leaves remain shut during the day to reduce evapotranspiration, but open at night to collect carbon dioxide (CO2). Haze will cause heat to be trapped in the atmosphere that caused temperature to  rise which caused  growth rates increase with time resulted in less accumulation of dry matter. This in turn, which cause the plants will reduced in yield.


  1. Nice blog… thanks for sharing this information with us, We are Dry Fruits Wholesaler

  2. Who knew there was a plant with a flower like an explosion of flame, which produces a beautiful but short-lived fruit with the appearance of a brilliant pink rosebud? This is the pitya – dragon fruit – indigenous to Central America but is also grown and exported from several Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam. Obtained from several cactus species, its succulent stem provides the uniquely delicious fruit with moisture in the arid climates where it grows.

    Some dragon fruits have red or yellow skin (which looks a little like a soft pineapple with spikes) and white or red flesh, but always the beginnings of overlaid leaves, similar to an artichoke, and an abundance of small, black, edible seeds. The flavor is mildly sweet, like a blend of kiwi and pear, and it has a crunchy texture.

    While it may seem a little strange at first, it's easy to get to the fruit. Simply slice lengthwise and either scoop out the flesh, or quarter it and peel back the leathery skin. Eat only the white part with seeds, removing any residual pink parts, which are bitter.

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  4. please teach us how to manage canker disease. thanks in advance :)

  5. Dragon Fruit is from Hylocereus species and from the cacti family is shaped like the dragon also known as the pitahaya or pitaya. The pulp of this fruit contains many small and black seeds

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